• The fall Meadows Messenger is now available on the community website. This is the first digital only issue, although there is a copy posted on the pool bulletin board. The issue has also been sent directly to residents who signed up for TownSq and distributed via email by the court chairs. There is a paper copy posted on the bulletin board by the pool.  2019_11_Meadows_Messenger_v3.pdfDownload

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    Four New Trees Planted in Meadows.

    Earlier this fall, Arlington County held a free native tree give-away program. A limited number of young trees, called “whips”, were made available to county residents on a first come first serve basis. Four Meadows residents—Claudia Brown, Joe Spytek, Iolaire McFadden, and Deborah Spence—were able to reserve trees. Two of the new trees are Sweetgums, two are Tulip Poplars, and all will help contribute to the shade canopy of the Meadows.  American Sweetgum trees are prized [...]

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    Fence Construction: What You Need To Know

    Construction begins November 12 and is moving forward in three phases to replace all 288 fences in the Meadows. Phase I will be courts 9 through 14 and the part of court 15 that backs up to court 14; phase II: courts 5 through 8 and the rest of court 15; phase III: courts one through four. Kolas will work through the winter, except for a holiday break from Dec. 20-Jan. 6, pending favorable weather and expects the project to last 10 months.  Kolas will, in general, work on one court at a [...]

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    Get Meadows News via TownSq!

    As the Meadows board works to expand ways to communicate, one way to receive information is via an app called TownSq, available at: https://app.townsq.io/login. This app, which is accessible via desktop computer or mobile device, is an online community and notification system that is part of  the Meadows' contract with the condominium association management company, CMC. In addition to the Meadows Facebook page, the board sends notifications to community owners and renters via [...]

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    Fall Landscaping Work

    F The Buildings and Grounds Committee (B&G) recently approved the landscape contractor to start on a number of fall projects around the Meadows. In Court 5, some dead plants near 3447 S Stafford will be removed, new sod will be put down to extend the lawn, and a new Kaliedoscope Abelia will be planted. A Hydrangea will be moved to another location in the court so that residents can once again use the gate that was accidentally blocked.  In Court 6, the Serviceberry that [...]

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    The Annual meeting of the Fairlington Meadows Council of Co-Owners is Tuesday, October 22 at 7 p.m. at the Fairlington Community Center. Registration begins at 6:30 p.m. The meeting cannot formally be convened until we have a quorum of over 50 percent of the Co-Owners represented in person or by proxy.  Please use and complete the proxy letter and give it to your court chair, board member or mail it in to CMC for the Annual Meeting no later than October 10, regardless of whether you plan to [...]

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    Fence Update

    2 Oct 2019
    Fence Update

    The Board has selected Kolas Contracting to construct the Meadows’ new fences. Kolas will begin by constructing a demonstration fence in Court 13 (4200 to 4204 S 34th St.) the week of October 14. The demonstration fence will include different gate hinges for residents to consider and provide input to the board about. The week of October 28, the board together with Kolas will have a meeting to describe the project more in depth, answer questions and provide a schedule of construction and [...]

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    B&G Is Back!

    27 Aug 2019
    B&G Is Back!

    B&G is back! After its traditional summer hiatus, the Building and Grounds Committee will have it’s next meeting at 7:30pm on September 4th at the FCC. With two new co-chairs, now is the perfect time to join B&G and be a part of the effort to care for the 22 acres of trees, shrubs, and grasses in the Meadows. Don’t know a oak from an elm? No problem, green thumbs are not required! Not looking to volunteer but have a question or request for B&G to consider? Bring it to the [...]

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    Ad-hoc Fence Committee makes recommendations to the Board

    The Ad-hoc Fence Committee has delivered its recommendations on the Fairlington Meadows fence replacement project to the Meadows Board of Directors. The specific recommendations are posted on the Fairlington Meadows web site here: https://fairlingtonmeadows.com/fence-replacement/ The Committee, comprised of several residents, met numerous times during the previous several months during which time they visited neighboring Fairlington communities to observe their fences; collect input [...]

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    Groundwater sampling to take place the week of June 17

    The second semi-annual groundwater sampling of select areas of Fairlington Glen and Fairlington Meadows is scheduled to take place during the week of June 17. ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC, an environmental consulting firm, will sample the seven permanent monitoring wells in Fairlington Meadows and Fairlington Glen. The contractor expects the sampling will require one to two days.  Additionally, the contractor will collect groundwater samples from the onsite wells at Fairlington Centre [...]

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