• 2020 Annual Meeting : Vote Results and Business Items

    November 7, 2020
  • The 2020 Fairlington Meadows annual meeting was held on 21 October. This year’s meeting was held virtually due to the Covid-19 restrictions on in-person gatherings. These restrictions required some adjustment of traditional practices of the meeting. This year no in-meeting nomination of board member candidates was allowed; voting on quorum, budget and board members was primarily conducted using the iVoteHOA on-line tool which every homeowner was notified on how to access in the annual meeting information packet. 

    In official business, the quorum establishment was officially announced and proof of notice of meeting was given. Nick S., our treasurer, gave an overview of the 2021 budget and a vote on the budget was conducted. Residents who waited to have questions about the budget answered were able to vote in real time. The budget passed as presented. 

    Two positions were open for elections. There were three candidates vying for the two positions – Nick S., Caroline T. G. and Don S. Nick and Caroline were selected to fill the three year positions. The board held an organizational meeting after the annual meeting to determine board positions. Joe S. remains as President, Frona A. is vice-President, Nick S. is Treasurer, Erica B. and Caroline T. G. are co-Secretaries, sharing the on-line media and publishing duties.

    During the New Business part of the meeting, an announcement was made about the 17 February meeting that will be dedicated to the topic of insurance. The Meadows is in a position of having limited insurance carrier proposals due to the lack of information about the following topics inside of the units: HVAC age or maintenance schedule, hot water heater age and maintenance, washing machine hose replacement, dishwasher replacement, and hard wired smoke alarm with battery back-up installation. Topics that the Association management would answer deal with circuit breakers and roof replacement. The Meadows board is determining the best way to gather this information to provide to potential insurance carriers to allow for multiple carriers to bid on the required insurance coverage the community must carry. If primary insurance carriers decide not to provide coverage proposals the Meadows would have to go to the secondary insurance market, which is considerably more expensive. 

    The second topic discussed in new business was the community interest in updating the Meadows by-laws. The intent is to survey the community interest in pursuing this effort. Many issues were brought up that need to be addressed prior to initiating this effort in earnest. 

    The 2021 Annual Meeting will be in October, as required by the bylaws.