Fairlington Meadows is preparing for it’s Annual Meeting on 21 October 2020. The packets with all documentation were put in the mail on 21 September and IVOTEHOA (online voting) went active this week. Many of you may have received the notice in your email already. It was brought to the attention of the board that some notices have ended up in people’s SPAM folders. If you have not received an email notice of the Annual Meeting, please check your SPAM folder. If you still have not received an email when the paper documents arrive, there are instructions in the mailing on how to check and/or register for IVOTEHOA with our portfolio manager – Wee Abraham (WAbraham@cmc-management.com) .
The board needs everyone’s proxy for quorum, some years achieving greater than 50% has been a challenge. This year a 100% virtual meeting will be held due to COVID-19 meeting restrictions. The Zoom meeting information is available via TownSQ or by emailing Wee Abraham or the board president.
Please respond to the IVOTEHOA, mail in your proxy, or drop your proxy off at the maintenance office mail box (by the pool).
We hope to see everyone at this year’s virtual meeting.