• Meadows playground, tennis court and basketball court closed in accordance with Arlington county guidelines in response to COVID-19.

    March 25, 2020
  • Effective Tuesday, March 24 the Fairlington Meadows Board of directors, following the actions taken by Arlington County, is closing the tot lot, tennis courts and basketball court until further notice. Signs will be posted and a barrier placed around the tot lot and the entrance to the tennis courts. 
    The actions by the county may also affect the timing of the pool opening. In  addition, as Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has closed nonessential businesses for 30 days, this will also likely affect the pool season.

    The Board urges everyone to continue to practice social distancing to help lessen the spread of COVID-19. We are all in this together, keeping our distance now will enable us to be together again in the future as a community.

    Fairlington Meadows Board of Directors