• Meadows Messenger

    WINTER 2002, VOLUME XV, NO. 4
    Published by the Fairlington Meadows Council of Co-Owners in Historic Fairlington


    By John Stack, President


    Council of Co-Owners Annual Meeting

    * We had a successful meeting October 15. Thanks to court chairpersons Diane Thurber and David Andrews who, along with the residents in attendance, helped us achieve a quorum at 6:50 p.m., which is record time. The 2003 budget that was included in your annual meeting announcement was unanimously approved.

    * Two new board members were elected Jim Richards and John Thurber. Jim was elected secretary by the board and John was elected second vice president. Dave Laufer continues as treasurer and Vicki Hughes will now serve as first vice president. Many thanks to outgoing board members Ron Quinn and Tim Tereska for their excellent service to the Meadows community.

    * Kathryn Utan has signed on as editor of the Meadows Messenger. This is her first issue.

    Looking Forward to 2003

    * We have asked Seal Engineering to provide us with estimates on the parking lot renovations for
    courts 8 and 14. The board will review the estimates and determine whether to do both courts in 2003 or to do just one a year. Once that decision is made, court residents will be invited-to review and comment on the plans.

    * The board approved a study to determine if our current reserve funding is at an appropriate level. A portion of your condo fee each month goes into the community’s reserves to provide for future repair or replacement projects (roofing, pool, tennis courts, etc.). The study provides for the inspection of our physical infrastructure and a reserve table that evaluates the various elements of that infrastructure. It also includes a 30-year cash flow projection that will help calculate the minimum contributions needed to meet our requirements.

    Seasons Greetings!

    New Editor Signs On

    By: John Stack, President

    The board had some good news in October: the Meadows Messenger has found a new editor to replace Carrie Quinn, who so adroitly handled its publication for the past five years.

    Kathryn Utan, a four-year resident of Court 4, has volunteered to assume the editorial responsibilities connected with our community’s periodic newsletter.

    Ms. Utan has a master’s degree in journalism and public affairs and works as a writer with the DC-based non-profit, American International Health Alliance.

    The board does indeed welcome Kathryn and looks forward to working with her in the future.

    Meadows Directory

    Messenger Volunteers:

    Kathryn Utan, Editor
    Rose Stack, Distribution Manager
    Pamela Hudson, Web Master

    Send letters, articles, or recipes for consideration to the editor at 3407B South Stafford Street or via e-mail to kutan@aiha.com. Items submitted are printed at the editor discretion and unsigned letters will not be considered.

    Board of Directors:

    John Stack, President
    Vicki Hughes, 1st Vice President
    John Thurber, 2nd Vice President
    Dave Laufer, Treasurer
    Jim Richards, Secretary

    Send correspondence to the Fairlington Meadows Board of Directors in care of:

    Community Management Corp. at the address referenced below. For copies of Board meeting minutes, contact Jim Cowell, (see below) or view them on the community bulletin hoard at the pool house.

    Property Manager:

    Jim Cowell, Division Director
    Community Management Corp,
    12701 Fair Lakes Circle, Suite 400
    P.O. Box 10821
    Chantilly, Va. 20153
    Tel. 703-631-7200; Fax 703-631-9786
    Email jcowell@cmc-management.com

    On-site Maintenance Manager:

    Steve Coombe
    Tel. 703-820-6799

    Towing Requests:

    A-1 Towing of Northern Virginia
    Tel. 703-979-2110

    A Note of Thanks…

    By: Rose Stack, Distribution Manager

    At this time of the year, I’d like to give thanks to the generous volunteers who deliver the Meadows Messenger to all of you. Two of the volunteers have more than 45 units on their routes!

    Our special thanks go out to the following group of dedicated people, some of whom have been delivering the Messenger to your doors for many years:

    Chuck Edwards
    Celia Gabrysh
    Al Gabrysh 
    (recently deceased)
    Ed Hilz
    Marion Hinchman
    Trudy Loeb
    Sandy Oliveira
    Liz Pagano
    Sylvia Skrel
    Tim Tereska
     (recently moved)
    Annabelle Wright

    We are currently seeking two volunteers: one to distribute the Messenger to residents in Court 8; the other to deliver to Tim Tereska’s former route, which includes properties at 3453-3472 South Stafford. Street. One route has 26 homes; the other, 33. The task involves minimal walking and some stair-climbing.

    If you. are interested in volunteering for this worthwhile outdoor activity, please contact Rose Stack at 703-379-7245.

     Don’t forget to winterize your property!

    Shut off the interior valves to your outside faucets, then open the outside faucets to allow excess water to drain.

    Never turn your heat below 60 degrees, even if you go away; your pipes may freeze.

    Fairlington Meadows Court Chairpersons

    If you live in: Your court chair person is:
    Court 1 (4100-4110 South 33rd Street) Shirley Nycum (703-379-0455)
    Court 2 (3301-3327 South Stafford Street) Shirley Nycum (703-379-0455)
    Court 3 (3329-3343 South Stafford Street) Jennifer Ross (703-820-0565)
    (3345-3371 South Stafford Street) Nancy Donley (703-931-6155)
    (3373-3399 South Stafford Street) Jennifer Ross (703-820-0565)
    Court 4 (3401A-3429 South Stafford Street) Ed Hilz (703-379-6435)
    Court 5 (3431A-3451 South Stafford Street) Liz Pagano (703-379-7055)
    Court 6 (3453A-3479 South Stafford Street) Joyce Purcell (703-379-7135)
    Court 7 (4201-4227 South 35th Street) Ellen Lawler (703-379-5805)
    Court 8 (4229-4279 South 35th Street) Diane Thurber (703-998-8723)
    Court 9 (4281-4325 South 35th Street) Mary Meek (703-379-4374)
    Court 10 (3469-3499 South Utah Street) BJ Chittum (703-820-5731)
    Court 11 (3417-3461 South Utah Street) Barbara Gomez (703-671-7410)
    Court 12 (3401-3411 South Utah Street) Louise Gabel (703-379-7222)
    Court 13 (4200-3432 South 34th Street) Rose Stack (703-379-7245)
    Court 14 (3400-3432 South Stafford Street) Terri Dunham (703-824-8349)
    Court 15 (3442-3472 South Stafford Street) David Andrews (703-379-7256)


    B & G Committee Update

    By Chuck Edwards and David Manning, Co-Chairs

    The 2002 Fall Planting Project has been successfully completed. Any resident who would like to request new shrubbery or trees for the Spring 2003 Planting Project should contact Chuck Edwards in writing at 3460A-1 South Stafford Street.

    If you are interested in joining the Fairlington Meadows Building & Grounds Committee, please feel free to attend the following upcoming meetings:

    January 8; 2003

    at the residence of Linnea Barry, 3460 A-2 South Stafford Street;


    February 5, 2003

    at the residence of Virginia Mathes, 3446 South Stafford Street.


    Share Your Holiday Spirit

    The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect upon the past year and make plans for the new one ahead. It is also a perfect opportunity to volunteer some time and energy to one of the many worthwhile organizations in the area. Below are two such groups that are seeking assistance this month:

    New Hope Housing is requesting volunteers to help wrap and deliver gifts, assist with holiday parties during the month of December, or assemble and deliver food baskets to their post-shelter families. Call Grace Pazdan at 703-733-2293.

    United Community Ministries seeks volunteers to assist in the distribution of holiday gifts to local families December 19-21. Volunteers will escort parents through a gift room and keep tables stocked with gifts. Call Sue Kelley at 703-768-7106 (ext,326).

    Community Housekeeping


    As with any community, the bylaws and covenants and restrictions of Fairlington Meadows exist to provide guidance for residents and help to ensure a safe and pleasant living environment.

    All residents receive an information packet that contains detailed information on the “dos and don’ts ” when they move in. Your court chairperson (see list on p. 3) and the Meadows property manager or on-site maintenance supervisor (see directory on p. 2) can help to clarify any of the regulations, answer questions you may have, or – if they don’t have the answers – direct you to someone who does.

    Below you will find the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions:

    Trash Collection- Trash is collected Monday through Saturday, with the exception of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

    Trash should be securely tied and placed near your front stoop between 6:00-8:00 a.m. It should never be left out overnight.

    Oversized Trash Items- Move-in boxes and over-sized items are picked up on the first Saturday of each month. These items should be placed at the street-side curb no earlier than 24 hours ahead of time.

    It is possible to schedule an individual pick-up of oversized items at other times by calling Steve Coombe, on-site maintenance. The charge for this service is a minimum of $25.00.

    Recycling- Recycling bins are placed at the court entrances on Tuesday evenings and emptied on Wednesday mornings. Items to be placed in the bins are aluminum and steel cans, plastic, and mixed glass, Newspapers (in paper bags or tied securely with string) and broken-down corrugated cardboard should be left on the ground near the bins. If a holiday falls on recycling day, items will be picked up on the next regularly-scheduled trash pick-up day.

    Pets- When outdoors or in common entrance ways, dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. Dog owners are required to clean up after their pets. Not only is this a condominium rule, it is an Arlington County ordinance.

    As a consideration to your neighbors and for your pet’s own safety, it is also recommended that residents do not allow their cats to roam freely through the neighborhood.

    Parking- Most courts have one assigned off-street parking space per unit, the number of which corresponds to the unit number (399-740). Other courts have reserved, but unassigned, parking (again, one space per unit); these require the use of hanging permit tags. Additionally, certain courts on South Stafford Street are within an area of “Zone 11” parking. Check with your court chairperson to see which applies to you.

    When parking in the courts, park squarely within your space, so your neighbors also have room to
    park. Some courts have off-street “visitor” spaces. Please instruct your guests or any contractors, etc.
    you engage to park in a visitor space, your assigned space, or on the street.

    Cars parked illegally (parallel to or behind other cars, in the entrances) are subject to towing. Residents are responsible for calling the towing company (see directory on p. 2) if someone is parked in their assigned space. Driving or parking on the lawns is strictly prohibited as it damages the grass and tree roots.

    Sewers- Fairlington sewers were constructed of terra cotta in the 1940s and are very fragile. Please do not dispose of grease, facial tissue, hair, dental floss, baby wipes, diapers, raw vegetable peels, or feminine hygiene products in the toilets or drains. Even products labeled “flushable” should not be placed in our sewers – toilet paper and human and pet waste should be the only things flushed down the toilets. If you retain the services of a maid or cleaning company, please make them aware of this to prevent a costly (and disgusting!) sewer back-up in your own unit, and possibly those of your neighbors.