• Meadows Messenger

    Published by the Fairlington Meadows Council of Co-Owners in Historic Fairlington


    By John Stack, President

    • Parking Lot Renovations: Courts 3 and 12 are currently being upgraded. This leaves only two courts to be completed (Courts 8 and 14), which will be done next summer. These parking lot renovations give the Meadows one of the best infrastructures in all of Fairlington.
    • Parking Inconveniences: We know that due to the parking lot renovations, parking spaces have been hard to come by. The Board reviewed a number of options to temporarily increase our parking capability, but there was very little that could be done.
    • The beauty of Fairlington: Now that spring has reached its peak, all of Fairlington and particularly the Meadows, looks terrific. Many thanks to the Building and Grounds Committee and all of our residents for working to create a great looking village.


    By Kym Hill, Buildings and Grounds Committee

    On Saturday, July 13, the Meadows will host a Patio and Garden Tour from 12 noon until 4:30 p.m. The start of the self-guided tour will be located adjacent to the patio at 3442 South Stafford Street (between Courts 14 and 15). Come on by, pick up a map of the tour route and plan to enjoy an afternoon exploring through dozens of your neighbors’ patios and gardens!

    If you would like to have your patio included in the tour, please call Kym Hill at (703) 998-2587 or send an email: KymLHill@aol.com.


    By Carrie Quinn, Editor

    After five years, I’m hanging up my Editor’s visor at year end. If anyone’s interested in taking on the task starting January 1, 2003, give me a call at 703-931-2953. We generally publish 4 to 6 times a year, and many of the articles are now written by others in the community. So, actual writing and editing time has decreased. The distribution of the newsletter is handled by other volunteers as organized by the Distribution Manager, Rose Stack.


    Messenger Volunteer “Staff”:

    Carrie Quinn, Editor
    Rose Stack, Distribution Manager
    Pamela Hudson, Webmaster

    Article Contributors:

    Chuck Edwards
    Janet Filer
    Ed Hilz
    Rose Stack

    Send Letters, Articles, or Recipes for Consideration to the Editor:

    3395 S. Stafford St. B-1
    Items submitted are printed at the Editor’s discretion.
    Letters must be signed.

    Board of Directors:

    President: John Stack
    1st Vice President: Ronald Quinn
    2nd Vice President: Tim Tereska
    Treasurer: Dave Laufer
    Secretary: Victoria Hughes

    Send Board of Directors Mail to:

    Fairlington Meadows Board of Directors
    c/o Community Management Corp.
    (see below)

    Request for Board Meeting Minutes:

    Contact Jim Cowell (see below) or see Community Bulletin Board at Pool House

    Property Manager:

    Jim Cowell, Division Director
    Community Management Corp.
    12701 Fair Lakes Circle, #400
    P.O. Box 10821
    Chantilly, VA 20153
    631-7200 Phone or 631-9786 Fax
    or email Jim at JCowell@cmc-management.com

    Towing Requests:

    Call A-1 Towing of Northern Virginia


    The monthly Meadows Board meetings, which begin at 7:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month, are open to all Meadows residents (owners and renters). To request sign language interpreting services in order to attend the meetings, contact Jim Cowell (a minimum of seven week days in advance of the next meeting) at 703-631-7200 on weekdays (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Fridays). Interpretation will be provided if the Board receives timely notice (in order to line up interpreter services) and the requesting resident attends the meeting.

    For those that cannot or do not wish to attend, approved Board minutes are posted at the Pool Bulletin Board, and most of the agenda items are discussed in Messenger articles. Note: Minutes are typed after a Board meeting and then approved at the next month’s meeting. If no corrections are required, the minutes are then posted.


    By Rose Stack, Pool Committee

    Hello. . . . You have reached the Meadows Pool Hotline. Everything you need to know for connecting to the pool community follows. You will not be put on hold because — the Pool is already open! If you do not yet have a pass, please call your court rep or see the Pool Manager. Our Pool Manager is Dave “I-walk-to-work” Lassiter.

    A copy of the pool rules comes with your card. Besides safe conduct, our pool guidelines explain the very important pool guest policy as well as the baby swimwear policy.

    IN SEARCH OF . . . .
    We are a committee seeking new members. One reason is that, long-time resident and pool committee major player, David Langbart is trying summer life without the pool committee. David joined the committee in 1994; since 1997, he has served as its Co-Chair. David’s input and board meeting liaison were a key contribution.

    John Thurber spoke for the whole committee: “We’ll miss him at meetings, but we look forward to seeing him pool-side. New members will contribute ideas and mostly have fun. See meeting times below.

    Meadows Resident Laurel Conger, mother of two, wonders if any other pool Moms would like to meet during the day on a regular schedule. Her idea of a “Meadows Moms” group will have a specific day and time set aside to gather at the pool. This is in addition to the “Moms and Tots Hot Dog Lunch.” As Laurel says, “having a specific day and time will take the guesswork out of who will show up and when.”

    You can contact Laurel directly at 703/998-8977 or through her e-mail address at: laurel.conger@socialtechnologies.com.

    The instructional swim team for children ages 5-14, “Friends Interested in Neighborhood Swimming-FINS”, comes to the Meadows pool the week of July 15-19. Practice will take place Monday through Thursday from 3:30pm – 5:30pm. The swim meet itself will be on Friday at 6pm – 8pm. All may still use the pool.

    (Please see the May 2002 All Fairlington Bulletin for more FINS’ information.)

    May 28 – June 18 (Weekdays) 3:30pm – 9pm
    (Weekends) 10am – 9pm
    June 19 – Sept 1 (weekdays) 11am – 9pm
    July 4 (Independence Day) 10am – 7pm
    Sept. 2 (Labor Day) 10am – 9pm
    Sept. 3 – Sept. 6 (weekdays) 4pm – 7pm
    Sept. 7 & 8 (last weekend) 10am – 9pm


    June 7 Pizza Party (Our kickoff is great family fun.)
    June 19 Wine & Cheese
    June 24 Moms & Tots Hot Dog Lunch
    July 4 Games & Treats
    July 10 Float Night
    July 15-19 FINS @ the Meadows
    July 26 BBQ
    August 9 Pizza
    August 15 Beer Tasting
    August 23 Movie Night
    August 28 Float Night II
    Sept. 3 (Labor Day) Community BBQ
    Sept. 9 Pool Closing Picnic


    Pool Committee Chairman: John Thurber: 703/998-8723

    Pool Manager: Dave Lassiter

    Meetings: Every Tues. @ 5:30pm at the pool.

    Pool Phone: 703/998-9332

    Website: meadowspool.com

    Dave’s Email: meadowspool@aol.com

    Don’t “disconnect” yet — we’ve got this anagram to pass on. “The Meadows Swimming Pool” can be rearranged to spell a good motto: “adopt wholesome swimming.”

    So, now all that’s left to do is to sign your card and show up at the pool for excellent “customer service”!

    B & G Activities Based on Pride in and Beautification of our Community

    By Chuck Edwards and David Manning, Committee Co-Chairs

    Spring Planting: The annual spring planting has been completed, including summer flowers at 33rd Street, the circle in front of the community center and the flower bed at the corner of 33rd and Utah Streets.

    The Committee asks residents to water all shrubbery and trees, new and existing, because of the extremely dry weather during the past winter. Residents are asked to place a hose at the base of shrubs and trees and allow a steady trickle from the hose to soak the root areas. This should be done for twenty to thirty minutes, two or three times a week.

    Watering will help the new plants establish themselves and help older trees and shrubs survive. During the summer months it is not necessary to water the lawn areas unless residents are particularly concerned. In dry weather the grass will become dormant, but it will revive after any measurable rainfall.

    Fall Planting: If any resident would like us to consider trimming existing shrubbery or planting new shrubbery and/or trees in the fall, please contact the committee by writing Chuck Edwards at 3460 A-1 South Stafford.

    Yard Sale: The Meadows Yard Sale was held on April 27, and we sincerely thank the dedicated committee members who made it a great success. Diane Thurber, Kym Hill, David Andrews and Judy Blooms registered the sellers, and Barbara Aldrich, Marion Hinchman, Trudy Laub, Annabelle Wright and Linda Peterson headed up the concessions tables.

    Thanks also to all those who provided their delicious baked goods. Judi Garth designed the poster for the Stafford Street circle, Gordon Wray and Victor Slabinski placed signs around the entrances to Fairlington, and Janet FilerLinnea Barry and Jan Wallace manned the White Elephant Table. Janet, Linnea and Jan also distributed flyers to area businesses before the sale to help bring in customers.

    We also thank the more than thirty sellers who participated this year, a record number!
    The committee used the proceeds from the yard sale to plant flowers in established beds throughout the village. We hope that residents will enjoy these annuals, which were planted in May.

    Community Pride: The Meadows covers about 22 acres, and all of us need to help with keeping our homes as attractive as possible. Therefore, if you see a bit of debris on the grounds, please consider picking it up and disposing of it in your own trash can or one of the new ones near the pool house and playground. All of us working together will help keep the community looking great!

    New Members: The Committee welcomes any resident with an interest in our buildings and grounds to join us – even if it’s only for a meeting now and then. See the upcoming community calendars for meeting dates.


    JUNE 18: Meadows Board Meeting, FCC, 7:30 p.m.

    JUL 4: Holiday, NO TRASH PICK-UP

    JUL. 13: Meadows Patio & Garden Tour, Noon to 4:30 p.m. (see article on front page)

    JULY 16: Meadows Board Meeting, FCC, 7:30 p.m.

    Note: The Pool Committee meets every Tuesday during pool season at 5:30 at the pool. The Buildings and Grounds Committee does not meet in July and Aug.


    ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRITY COMMITTEE: As part of their charter, the Fairlington Historical Society has established an Architectural Integrity Committee on which two Meadows’ residents currently serve, Ronald Quinn and Victor Slabinski.

    The Committee is charged with the following responsibilities:
    • Periodically review the buildings which constitute the Fairlington Historic District to identify architectural integrity issues.
    • Research architectural integrity issues.
    • Promote the maintenance of the architectural features which are integral to the original design through educational programs.
    • Serve as a resource on architectural integrity for property owners in the Historic District.
    • Make recommendations to the Society for forwarding to the various condo boards and property owners within this district.

    GARDENING WEBSITE: A new web page on gardening is now up and running (with the help of our own Chuck Edwards) at www.fairlington.org/gardenadvisor.htm.

    ONGOING MAINTENANCE: Painting and slate roof maintenance continues throughout the Meadows as does parking lot reconstruction in Courts 3 and 12.

    Brikwurks has been approved by the Board for reparging eight of the B-building exterior stairwells where the existing parging is showing signs of failure.

    Arlington County has also been making sidewalk, paving and sewer repairs throughout the community.

    RETIREMENT NEWS: After 35 years of teaching, Chuck Edwards (Court 15 and Co-chair for the Buildings and Grounds Committee) will be retiring in June from the Prince William County School System. This will allow Chuck more time for gardening, community activities, and travel. We wish him the best!

    F O O D B Y T E S

    Contributed by
    Janet Filer and Carrie Quinn

    Recent reports indicate that adding seafood to your diet can lower your risk of heart disease because it contains “good” fats called omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. A recent study in The New England Journal of Medicine found that eating 8 1/2 ounces of fish a week may cut the risk of dying from a heart attack by 50%. The American Heart Association places fish at the top of its list for protein.

    If there’s a problem with eating seafood, it often lies with the way it’s prepared. Cooking seafood doesn’t have to be complicated. Fish is done when it’s just beginning to flake and appears opaque at its thickest point. A general rule for cooking fish is at 450 degrees, bake it for 10 minutes per inch of thickness, measured at its’ thickest point.

    Always refrigerate fish and use it soon after purchasing (or catching, if you are into fishing).

    For a flavorful crust on fish, these recipes work well on firm fish like cod, catfish, and grouper.

    Pesto-Crusted Orange Roughy

    2 T. pesto
    1/2 c. fine, dry breadcrumbs
    1/4 t. pepper
    4 4-oz. orange roughy fillets

    Combine all but fish in a shallow baking dish. Dredge fillet in breadcrumb mix and place in baking dish coated with cooking spray. Coat fillets with cooking spray. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, or until fish flakes easily when tested with fork. Serves 4.

    Salmon Bake with Pecan-Crumb Coating

    4 (4- to 6-oz.) salmon fillets
    1/8 t. salt
    l/8 t. pepper
    2 T. dijon mustard
    2 T. butter, melted
    1-1/2 T. honey
    1/4 c. soft breadcrumbs
    1/4 c. chopped parsley sprigs

    Sprinkle salmon with salt and pepper. Place (skin side down) in lightly greased 13″ x 9″ pan. Combine melted butter and honey; brush on fillets. Combine breadcrumbs, pecans and parsley; spoon mixture evenly on top of each fillet. Bake 450 degrees for 10 minutes or until fish flakes easily. Garnish with lemon slices. Serves 4.


    By Ed Girovasi, Recreation Chair

    The following are the Meadows’ rules for reserved and unreserved play:

    WEEKENDS: Reserved play will begin on Saturday, May 4th and will continue every weekend thru September 29, 2002. A sign-up sheet will be posted at the court bulletin board by 7:30 a.m. each day.

    Residents 16 years or older may reserve a court for one hour by printing their full name and unit number on the sign-up sheet. There is a limit of one hour per unit per day. If the person who signed up for the court doesn’t commence play within 10 minutes after the hour, she/he will forfeit the court to those present.

    WEEKDAYS: Court time is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Two players must be present to establish their place in line when waiting for a court. One player alone cannot hold a place in line. Before starting play, set the bulletin board clock to indicate your starting time and place your ID card (pool pass) in the corresponding holder. If you fail to indicate your starting time OR fail to display your ID card in the holder, you must vacate the court at the request of waiting players.

    After one hour (singles), you must vacate if others are waiting to play. Doubles play may continue for two consecutive hours, provided that two residents have their ID cards on display.

    REMINDER: Our tennis courts are available for ONE activity only—-TENNIS!

    Residents are reminded that all other activity is prohibited. Improper use may result in forfeiture of recreation privileges.