• Meadows Messenger

    APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2001      VOLUME XIV, NO. 2
    Published by the Fairlington Meadows Council of Co-Owners in Historic Fairlington

    Dear Neighbors,

    Summer’s around the corner . . .if the temperatures didn’t already indicate this, this issue’s articles would.  The Pool and Building and Grounds Committees are gearing up for a number of activities and projects.  The Court Chairpersons Committee is lined up for support (many thanks to the new members for “volunteering”).  If you’re interested in playing tennis, stop by the tennis court and review the posted rules.  Or just look around you. . . . . .  . . .Painters have begun work for this season and lawn/shrubbery/tree maintenance is in full swing.

    Board members have been working on a number of projects including satellite and contractor resolutions drafted by our legal counsel and first mailed to the ownership in early February and discussed at length at the February Board meeting.  The first policy outlined restrictions on satellite dishes and antennas to align current technology with our existing by-laws.  The second policy establishes requirements that must be met to obtain approval of the Council of Co-Owners for structural modifications, alterations or installations within a unit, or maintenance/repair within a unit.  Thanks to all of the residents who joined us at the meeting—not only for attending, but also the valued input.  We will continue to work on the resolutions and will give the community ample opportunity to comment on the revised results before the Board votes.

    It was noted at the February and March Board Meetings, that there is ample confusion about what renovations or repairs require permitting, licensed contractors, etc.  At the back of this issue, your Editor has procured and included Arlington County’s “When Is A Permit Required?” brochure which should help clarify some of these issues.  Read it—you may be surprised!!

    Your Board is also reviewing drawings and pricing for the remaining four parking lots (3, 8, 12, and 14) to be reconstructed.  We are weighing the pro’s and con’s of doing all reconstructions in one season versus spreading the work into two seasons.  Also up for discussion is delaying the work to allow reserves to rebuild, phasing of the work to minimize resident inconvenience while maximizing cost efficiency, final layouts and specifications, and much more.  Please be assured that once some of these decisions have been made, we will notify the community.  If we proceed with any of the reconstructions this year, we will have a meeting for the affected residents to join us for constructive (pardon the pun) input.

    The Board would like to remind residents to enjoy their patios, but for the sake of your neighbors, keep the noise level down and the BBQ’s away from the fences and buildings (for safety reasons and to protect your neighbors plantings from damage).

    Our “Get Well!” wishes go out to long-time residents Ruth Tonning and Dorothy Sullivan.

    Enjoy your summer,

    Ronald A. Quinn, President


    Messenger Volunteer “Staff”:

    • Carrie Quinn, Editor
    • Rose Stack, Distribution Manager
    • Pamela Hudson, Webmaster


    Article Contributors:

    • Chuck Edwards
    • Judi Garth
    • Janet Filer
    • Kym Hill
    • Rose Stack
    Send Letters, Articles, or Recipes for Consideration to the Editor:
    3395 S. Stafford St. B-1
    Items submitted are printed at the Editor’s discretion.
    Letters must be signed.

    Board of Directors:

    President:                   Ronald Quinn
    1st Vice President:     Tim Tereska
    2nd Vice President:    John Stack
    Treasurer:                  Clay Lovett
    Secretary:                  Dave Laufer

    Send Board of Directors Mail to:

    Fairlington Meadows Board of Directors
    c/o Community Management Corp.
    (see below)

    Request for Board Meeting Minutes:

    Contact Jim Cowell (see above) or see Community Bulletin Board at Pool House

    Property Manager:

    Jim Cowell, Division Director
    Community Management Corp.
    12701 Fair Lakes Circle, #400
    P.O. Box 10821
    Chantilly, VA 20153
    631-7200 Phone or 631-9786 Fax
    or email Jim at JCowell@cmc-management.com

    Towing Requests:

    Call A-1 Towing of Northern Virginia


    The monthly Meadows Board meetings, which begin at 7:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month, are open to all Meadows residents (owners and renters).  To request sign language interpreting services in order to attend the meetings, contact Jim Cowell (a minimum of seven week days in advance of the next meeting) at 703-631-7200 on weekdays (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Fridays).  Interpretation will be provided if the Board receives timely notice (in order to line up interpreter services) and the requesting resident attends the meeting.

    For those that cannot or do not wish to attend, approved Board minutes are posted at the Pool Bulletin Board, and most of the agenda items are discussed in Messenger  articles  Note:  May’s minutes are approved at the June Board Meeting and posted, after any corrections, in late June or early July.

    It¹s been a while since the Board members were “introduced” in the Messenger and since then, new members have joined and new neighbors moved in. Here’s a quick “biography” on each . . . . . .


    By David Manning, FHS Board Member

    The Fairlington Historical Society will be hosting another event in May which will both be informative and fun for all who live in Fairlington.

    One of the stated goals as contained in our mission statement is to provide educational  opportunities for residents and friends of Fairlington which encourage historical preservation and,  at the same time, unite the community in our common efforts.

    To this end, on May 24th, at the Fairlington Community Center, the Historical Society will host a wine and cheese gathering to which all condo presidents, board chairs, and committee chairs of the eight condo and civic associations will be invited.  This will be a unique opportunity for meeting one’s counterpart in other associations, greet friends, make new ones, and share information about what each association and its’ committees are doing.

    One of the on-going problems confronting all of Fairlington is finding venues for creative problem solving and the sharing of ideas.  We are hoping that this spring function will go a long way in uniting the leaders of the individual associations as well as energize others to offer their time and talents for our community’s betterment.

    The invited guest and speaker will be state senator Mary Margaret Whipple.  Senator Whipple is an outspoken advocate for historical preservation and will enlighten us on various state-wide projects which preserve and protect our communities and the Commonwealth.

    In addition to the planning of this spring event, the Historical Society is working to create historical standards for all of Fairlington to which individual associations may refer when making decisions which would effect the hisorisity of our community.  An arduous task, yet one the Society sees as a central point of its mission.

    The monthly meetings are open to all Fairlington residents.  For more information, visit http://www.fairlington.org/.


    ROOF REPAIRS:  Jack and Steve continue to make slate roof repairs and are currently working in Court 9.

    CABLE:  Ongoing contact between CMC and Comcast continues in order to minimize damage and inconvenience caused by cable installations.

    COLUMNS:  Twenty-two pairs of wood columns, caps, and bases were installed at porches which had the old 4” x 4” posts.  Some remedial work on the bases (which were factory defective) was necessary for proper venting.  This work was handled by Smoot Lumber (supplier of columns and bases) at their cost.

    PAINTING:  On Valentine’s Day, a prebid meeting was held for potential contractors bidding on this year’s painting cycle work for Court’s 3, 14, and 15. Bids were received from Palmer Brothers, Hann & Hann, American Exteriors, and Chesapeake in March.  The contractor for the last two painting cycles, Capital Painting, was not invited to bid due to poor workmanship in the second year.

    Hann & Hann was selected at the March Board Meeting due to better price, warranty, follow-up, and communication as well as excellent references.  They have begun painting and staining work in Court 3 using a variety of screening and drop cloth methods to protect existing plants and property.

    Building trim, doors, fences, and interior halls of B-buildings are included in the scope of work.  Exterior doors will receive one of the owner selected colors:  Heritage Red, Sapphire, Alexandria Beige, Peale Green, or Black.  A color chart has been placed at the Pool House (3645 S. Utah St.) on the wrought iron gate to aid in your selection of a color.  Or you may wish to look at larger samples on doors painted in previous years (Court 8 is a good example).

    If anyone needs drop cloths to cover items in their patios, contact Steve or Jack at the Poolhouse Office (703-820-6799).  The Meadows’ has purchased a supply for residents’ use.

    INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  The Board has confirmed that our current “Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Policy” covers board and committee members’ actions while serving our community.

    SOUTH FAIRLINGTON’S  COMMUNITY CENTER:  It was hoped that our community center would be renovated this year (fiscal year July 2001-July 2002).  However, the County will use existing funds to develop a more detailed design proposal for the facility and to seek funds for construction in Fiscal Year 2003.

    Some of the renovations on tap include: replacing the existing heating system and installing central air conditioning, replacing the windows and some flooring, painting and general cosmetic work.  The exterior of the building would not be changed.  Staff and tenants would probably be relocated to trailers during the construction.

    You may have already read about the forthcoming picnic shelter being built on center grounds as well as changes to the existing playground equipment.


    By Rose Stack, Pool Committee Member

    Our March-readiness started with a meeting of the Final Four (more on those four later).  We were swimming in paperwork as is usual this time of year.  Fortunately, we knew what we were doing, and our Inbox soon became our Outbox:

    Item 1.  That nasty green algae is being wiped out as you read this.   Pre-opening pool cleaning procedures have started, which includes draining and cleaning both pools and getting everything operational.  Passing by the pool you’ll see hoses, pumps, filters and giant containers of pH something or other (we may not know the name, but we know it’s important!).

    And so goes the annual “before (yucky) and after (pristine)”.  The residents who pass by the pool in the winter months can appreciate this marvel.

    Item 2.  Our reminder to take a second to pat yourself on the back for choosing a place to live THAT COMES WITH A POOL!

    Item 3.  All things Pool:   Opening/Closing time;   Pool rules;  Pool passes; Social calendars.

    Here is the  2001 Pool Season Schedule:  (May the Sun shine on it!)

    May 26-May 28:   10am to 9pm  (Opening Day Weekend)

    May 29-June 19: 3:30pm to 9pm  (weekdays) and 10am to 9pm  (weekends)

    June 20– Sept. 2:   11:00 am – 9pm (weekdays) and 10:00 am – 9pm (weekends)

    July 4th:   10am to 6pm  (Early closing!)

    Sept.  3:  10:00 am – 9pm  Labor Day

    Sept. 4–7:  4pm to 7pm (weekdays)

    Sept. 8-9:    10am – 9pm (Pool closes)

    Pool Pass applications are planned for distribution in early May by the court chairpersons.  New residents, if you have a question regarding who in your household is eligible for a pass, please call your court chairperson listed on the back of the application.

    Pool rules will be distributed with the pool passes.  Review the rules with your household (and guests).

    For our Pool Party Schedule, we relied on our formula for success:
                June 1              Float Night
    June 13            Pizza party
    June 22            Wine & Cheese (our most popular)
    July 4               Games, Treats and more
    July 13             Beer and Pizza
    July 18             Float Night II
    July 27             Chicken BBQ (our 2nd most popular)
    August 10         Beer Tasting
    August 15         Pool Games and Pizza
    Late Aug.           TBA
    Sept. 3             Labor Day BBQ
    Sept. 9             Last Day Picnic

    Does it work for you?  These activities will be well advertised at the pool the week of the event and repeated in the next Messenger.  In case of “iffy” weather, drop by the pool to see if the event is on or off.  Any specially planned parties will be announced in the next Messenger if publication schedule permits or notices will be posted at the pool.

    If you have a terrific idea for a pool party that has not been done before, please make your suggestion known to the Co-chairmen (John Thurber at (703) 998-8723 and David Langbart at (703) 671-3528) or the Pool Manager, Dave Lassiter.

    Our party style:  think globally; act self-indulgently!   But don’t even try with these:   Optional Swimsuit Night;  Kids Only Day; or  Who Can Stay in the Pool the Longest Contest (what prize would be worth the wrinkles??).

    That Final Four business:  the Pool Committee now numbers four!   We would like to add two new members to replace two retired members.  To sign up or just try it out for the summer, please see any committee member at one of our pool functions or phone the contacts listed above.  You don’t have to be an expert on anything………

    This is a good time to welcome all new residents to the Meadows Pool, and remind all residents that the pool isn’t all just sunning and swimming.  It’s a playground, back porch, and sometime party room.  You can “do” shade both at the shady areas of the pool enclosure and at umbrella tables.  An alternative to swimming laps is catching on:  low-stress pool walking.  You can now eat lunch at the pool (at the space provided only), and if you bring a buddy and deck of cards, or have a partner for Ping-Pong, you’re having summer fun and you never have to get your hair wet!

    Next Messenger:   The Pool staff will be introduced; we’ll introduce new committee members (!); and of course we’ll give our play-by-play report on all things ‘pool’.

    So, sit back and wait for the Meadows.Pool.domain to open up.  When you’re ready to click on PLAY, just ENTER, and see what  unfolds.    See you at the Meadows Pool!


    By Diane Thurber and David Andrews, Co-Chairs

    Many thanks to Paul Matulic for assuming the duties of Court Chair in Court 7 and Ellen Parkhurst for handling Co-Chair duties in Court 3 (along with Nancy Donley).  Paul replaces Ellen Lawler, a long-time resident who recently moved from the Meadows.  Lawler was Court Chair for many years, and we thank her for her service to the community.  Paul’s address is 4209 S. 35th Street (phone:  820-4933).  Ellen Parkhurst, a long-time resident of Court 3, will assume co-chair duties from Editor Carrie Quinn and resides across the hall from the Quinns at 3395 S. Stafford, B-2 (578-1862).

    Paul and Ellen agreed to our requests for help, and we know they’ll do a great job.

    Each court has a representative named below (Court 3 has two due to its size) whose job it is to greet new residents, distribute the Residents’ Manual and pool pass applications, issue ID cards, and collect annual meeting proxies.

    Courts 1 and 2:  Shirley Nycum
    Court 3:  Nancy Donley, Ellen Parkhurst
    Court 4:  Ed Hilz
    Court 5:  Liz Pagano
    Court 6:  Carrie Jolly
    Court 7:  Paul Matulic
    Court 8:  Diane Thurber
    Court 9:  Mary Meek
    Court 10:  B.J. Chittum
    Court 11:  Barbara Gomez
    Court 12:  Louise Gabel
    Court 13:  Rose Stack
    Court 14:  Terri Dunham
    Court 15:  David Andrews

    Thanks to all!  We appreciate all of the work they do during the course of the year.


    By Chuck Edwards and David Manning, Buildings and Grounds Co-Chairs

    SPRING PLANTING:  The Buildings and Grounds Committee has completed plans for the spring planting.  We reviewed all the requests from residents and agreed to honor them.  These projects will be completed in May.  We request that residents water the new plantings throughout the spring and summer.  This will help the new plants establish themselves and will keep the warranty on them active.

    Water new trees and shrubs two or three times a week,  depending on the amount of rain.  Place a hose at the base of the plant and, with a slow trickle, soak the roots system for thirty or forty minutes.  In addition to this general planting, the committee voted to plant red, pink, and white begonias at the circle in front of the community center, at the entrance at 33rd Street, and in the flower bed at the corner of 34th and Utah Streets.

    NOTE: If any resident would like for us to consider trimming of existing shrubbery, please contact the committee by writing Chuck Edwards at 3460 A-1 South Stafford.

    LAWN SPRAYING/MAINTENANCE: Our lawn contractor, STM, has applied broadleaf weed control to the grassy areas (using the same materials as in the past) in order to control chickweed and other broadleaf weeds.  Residents were notified in writing and by signs posted throughout the community.

    During the summer, STM will also spray for pests (spider mites, scale, tent caterpillars, lacewing, etc.) that are harmful to shrubbery. This work is scheduled for the first and third Thursdays of each month.  Be advised that chemical usage is very limited, and applications are done in a manner minimizing risk of exposure to people and pets.

    TURF RESTORATION:  Per the Board’s approval in February, STM provided the labor, equipment, and materials to restore Court 10, 11, 13, and 15 lawn areas back to grass after the recent parking lot work.

    TREE PRUNING:  A number of requests have been received for tree pruning.  Our usual contractor,  Hook’s Tree, Shrub and Landscape Services, has provided cost estimates for the work which will be performed soon.

    PARKING LOT CLEANING:  In early May, STM cleaned our parking lots to remove the sand from the winter.  Signs were posted and the community notified by our property manager as to the date of the work (delayed by April rain).

    ARBORIST’S REPORT: Our arborist’s renewal contract for 2001 was approved by the Board. Jerry Dieruf reports that Arlington County has completed the pruning of forty-seven street trees, and that he is pleased with the work.  This completes the five year cycle of street tree work, and it is now time to begin the cycle again.  Jerry continues to work with the County on this project.

    He also monitors our community trees and makes recommendations for pruning and maintenance.  One maintenance item for consideration this year is the treatment of our remaining elms to protect them from Dutch elm disease.  Throughout the coming season, Jerry will continue working with contractors,  advising the Board during major work such as parking lot replacements, and recommending community projects.  He will once again be seen walking the community during the warm months, checking for any problems that need our attention.

    LIGHTING:  Victor Slabinski, along with Janet Filer, Kym Hill, Adele Logan-Galen and Linda Peterson, continue exploring the possibility of new lighting for the village. The committee has discovered that it is difficult to find fixtures that meet our lighting needs and also fit in with our Colonial Revival architecture.  The subcommittee hopes to be able to make recommendations to the Board sometime in the near future.  They will also suggest the kinds of fixtures that residents may use when replacing the outside lights at front and back doors.

    NEW MEMBERS:  The Committee welcomes any resident with an interest in our buildings and grounds to join us even if it’s only for a meeting now and then.

    See the Community Calendar below for upcoming meeting dates and locations.


    May 15:  Meadows Board Meeting, FCC, 7:30 p.m.

    June 6:  Building and Grounds Committee, Janet Filer’s at 3444 S. Stafford, 7:30 p.m.

    Note:  No B & G Meetings in July or August

    June 19:  Meadows Board Meeting, FCC, 7:30 p.m.

    Community Meeting Notice

    By Ed Hilz

    There will be a community meeting at 7 pm on May 17 at the Shirlington Library (2700 Arlington Mill Drive) to discuss the construction of a new Parks Operation Building on the site of the current Shirlington Library and landscape designs for the frontage of the Trades Center along Arlington Mill Drive.

    Staff from the Arlington County Office of Support Services and the Parks Division of the Department of Parks Recreation and Community Resources along with the County’s architect will be present to discuss the development of the new Parks Operations Building.  This first meeting is an opportunity for the community to discuss what is desired in terms of the appearance of the facade of the Parks Building facing Arlington Mill Drive and the overall frontage of the Trades Center.  Input from this meeting will be used to develop alternative building and landscape designs that will be reviewed with the community at a follow-up meeting in June.

    Community input at this early stage of the design process is important so that County staff is aware of neighborhood concerns regarding this project.


    Contributed by
    Janet Filer

    Rice doesn’t have to be plain side dish.  In these recipes, it becomes host to a variety of ingredients.


    1 cup uncooked regular rice
    1/4 cup chopped onion
    1/4 cup chopped green pepper
    1 1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil
    2 (10 1/2 oz.) cans beef consomme, undiluted
    3/4 teaspoon cumin seeds
    1/4 teaspoon hot sauce

    Saute rice, onion and green pepper in oil in saucepan until lightly brown.  Add remaining ingredients and mix well.  Bring to a boil; then cover, reduce heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes.  Yield:  4 servings.


    1/4 cup chopped onion
    3 tablespoons butter, melted
    1 cup water
    1 chicken flavored bouillon cube
    1 cup uncooked instant rice
    1/4 cup raisins
    1/2 teaspoon curry powder

    Saute onion in butter in a saucepan until tender.  Add water and bouillon cube. Bring to a boil.  Stir in remaining ingredients.  Allow mixture to return to a boil, cover and remove from heat.  Let stand 5 minutes.  Yield:  4 servings.


    RECYCLING:  DID YOU KNOW that you can recycle hazardous materials every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Household Hazardous Waste Division at 3402 S. Glebe Road???  A County worker will greet you to accept the materials, which will then be properly and safely disposed of.  For details, call them at 703-228-6832.

    DMV:  DID YOU KNOW that the Department of Motor Vehicles has a new, toll free telephone number for customers to call for service?? This number provides automated payment options for customers with routine inquiries at 1-866-368-5463 (1-866-DMVLINE).

    STREET LIGHTS:  If you would like to report a malfunctioning street light, call Arlington County’s recorded telephone line at 703-228-6511.  Be sure to have the address where the light is located as well as the pole number when you call.

    ABANDONED AUTOS:  You can leave a message about a suspected abandoned car and a member of the County’s Parking Unit will mark it and tow it, if necessary.  When you call, provide as much detail as possible (license number, make, model, street location, etc.).  The number is 703-228-4144.

    TOWING IN MEADOWS:  FYI-If you, a guest, or a workman parks in someone’s assigned parking space, you or they may be subject to a $95 towing charge, not to mention considerable inconvenience.


    Long-time Court 6 resident Donald Stokes died this spring.  Mr. Stokes was one of the original residents when Fairlington opened in 1943 as a rental community.  There are pictures of him, his family, and early Fairlington in the “Fairlington at 50” book (pages 22-23) published in 1993.

    Mr. Stokes was known for his beautiful, carefully tended gardening and exotic plants viewable from the walkway to Quaker Lane along the Glen tennis courts adjacent to Court 6.

    Mr. Stokes will be greatly missed and our belated condolences go out to his wife and family.