• Meadows Messenger


    Published by the Fairlington Meadows Council of Co-Owners in Historic Fairlington


    Dear Neighbors,

    By now, owners should have received a package of materials regarding the Annual Meeting of the Fairlington Meadows Council of Co-Owners to be held on Tuesday, October 16, 2001 in the auditorium of the Fairlington Community Center. Registration begins at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Sandwiches, chips, drinks, dessert, and other refreshments will be provided. . . .so come early, hungry and thirsty!

    IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY DONE SO, PLEASE SEND IN YOUR PROXY CARD REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU PLAN TO ATTEND OR NOT. If you do attend, your proxy will be replaced by your personal vote. If you do not attend or send in your proxy, we may not reach the quorum necessary to conduct this year’s business of approving the 2002 budget and electing one Board director. We would rather avoid having to knock on doors the night of the meeting to obtain additional proxies as has sometimes been necesssary in years past. This wastes time for everyone, especially those neighbors who have taken time out of their busy schedules to attend the meeting.

    Although we did not reconstruct additional parking lots this year as originally planned, a variety of other projects were completed including painting, landscaping, parking lot maintenance, roof repairs, etc. The Annual Meeting is our opportunity to discuss what was accomplished and what is planned for the new year. Treasurer Clay Lovett will discuss our financial affairs, and chairpersons will outline the committees’ 2001 accomplishments.

    It’s also a time for neighbors to meet or greet other neighbors while enjoying refreshments in a relaxed setting and perhaps draw closer together as the entire nation has during the past few weeks.

    Please join us at the Annual Meeting and don’t forget to mail in your proxy card! We look forward to seeing you on the 16th. If you are interested in running for the open board seat, please give Jim Cowell at CMC a call at 703-631-7200. Your participation in the governing of our community is highly encouraged.

    Best regards,

    Ronald A. Quinn, President


    Messenger Volunteer “Staff”:

    Carrie Quinn, Editor
    Rose Stack, Distribution Manager
    Pamela Hudson, Webmaster

    Article Contributors:

    Chuck Edwards
    Janet Filer
    Kym Hill
    Ed Hilz
    David Manning
    Rose Stack

    Send Letters, Articles, or Recipes for Consideration to the Editor:

    3395 S. Stafford St. B-1
    Items submitted are printed at the Editor’s discretion. Letters must be signed.

    Board of Directors:

    President: Ronald Quinn
    1st Vice President: Tim Tereska
    2nd Vice President: John Stack
    Treasurer: Clay Lovett
    Secretary: Dave Laufer

    Send Board of Directors Mail to:

    Fairlington Meadows Board of Directors
    c/o Community Management Corp.
    (see below)

    Request for Board Meeting Minutes:

    Contact Jim Cowell (see below) or see Community Bulletin Board at Pool House

    Property Manager:

    Jim Cowell, Division Director
    Community Management Corp.
    12701 Fair Lakes Circle, #400
    P.O. Box 10821
    Chantilly, VA 20153
    631-7200 Phone or 631-9786 Fax
    or email Jim at JCowell@cmc-management.com

    Towing Requests:

    Call A-1 Towing of Northern Virginia


    The monthly Meadows Board meetings, which begin at 7:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month, are open to all Meadows residents (owners and renters). To request sign language interpreting services in order to attend the meetings, contact Jim Cowell (a minimum of seven week days in advance of the next meeting) at 703-631-7200 on weekdays (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Fridays). Interpretation will be provided if the Board receives timely notice (in order to line up interpreter services) and the requesting resident attends the meeting.

    For those that cannot or do not wish to attend, approved Board minutes are posted at the Pool Bulletin Board, and most of the agenda items are discussed in Messenger  articles.   Note: July’s minutes are approved at the August Board Meeting and posted, after any corrections, in late August or early September.


    By Chuck Edwards and David Manning, Committee Co-Chairs

    Fall Plantings: As fall approaches, the committee is putting finishing touches on the fall planting project. We have tried to grant as many requests from residents as possible.

    The planting should be completed in late October or early November, and we ask residents to water the new shrubbery and trees in their area before the winter freeze.

    Street Trees: Our arborist, Jerry Dieruf, has been working with Arlington County in an effort to continue work on the street trees. The County will need to remove some trees that have become a hazard for the community. They are located along South Stafford Street in the area of court 15.

    When the trees are removed, the County will replace them. We have asked that they be replaced with willow oaks which grow better along the narrow confines of the streets.

    Yard Sale: The Committee is planning a yard sale to be held in the spring. Several members are already collecting items for this event. The proceeds from this sale go toward planting the annuals at the circle, the corner of Utah and 34th Streets and the entrance to 33rd Street. Save those items you may wish to sell in the spring!

    Patio Tour: The committee is also working on a patio tour to be held in the spring of 2002. Members are working on the plans and will send information out to the Meadows residents about this event.

    We hope to include other Fairlington villages in this event so that all residents can see a variety of patio gardens.

    Spring Planting: We will soon be planning a spring planting. If there are any requests, please send them in writing to Chuck Edwards at 3460 A-1 South Stafford Street.

    In the early spring, the Committee will begin reviewing these requests for consideration.

    STM: At the August Board Meeting, the Board unanimously approved the three year (2002-2004) contract renewal for STM, our lawn and landscaping company.

    This approval was based on the Committee’s recommendations and the company’s performance over the last contract period.

    Upcoming Meetings: All residents are invited to join the B&G Committee. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30.

    Our next meeting is November 7 at Linnea Barry’s, 3460 A-2 South Stafford Street. There is no meeting in December.


    ROOF REPAIRS: The first round of slate roof repairs in all 15 courts has been completed and Jack has now started the second round.

    SIDEWALK LIGHTS: As an ongoing project, Steve and Jack have completed the cleaning of all the light fixtures that line our sidewalks.

    COMCAST: Ongoing contact between CMC and Comcast continues in order to minimize damage and inconvenience caused by cable installations.

    A list was compiled by onsite personnel, Steve and Jack, of all the violations and reviewed by the Buildings and Grounds Committee and eventually submitted to Comcast.

    Comcast is in the process of contracting with a landscape company to do some of the lawn restoration work.

    If you know of other problems with INSTALLATION which have not been corrected, contact Jim Cowell at CMC (703-631-7200). Any problems with your SERVICE must be directed to Comcast customer service.

    PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE: Applicators, Inc. has completed the seal coating of parking lots in Courts 1 and 2. These two lots and those in Courts 4, 5, and 6 were also re-striped and numbered (if appropriate).

    PAINTING: Hann & Hann continue to paint and stain in Court’s 3, 14, and 15 as they complete the punchlist items prepared by our onsite personnel and CMC. Their contract for 2002 was approved by the Board of Directors at the September meeting.



    2001 Pool Season is History

    By Rose Stack, Pool Committee Member

    Our past season is not just a nice memory, but a work of art. All of you who came through the pool gates added your own brushstroke and created a colorful abstract of a close knit community. Take a look up close: the kids, of course, the pre-teens, grown-up sunbathers, lap swimmers, 9 to 5-ers reading the newspaper in the late afternoon, Ping-Pong rivals, groups of Moms chatting and snacking and keeping an eye on the little ones, water exercisers, and food contributors. Plus the pool itself: color from the water, floats, noodles, toys, blue sky and white clouds.

    Summer Over, Some Are Due Recognition: Can we thank Dave Lassiter, Pool Manager, and his staff enough for the great job again this year?! Some folks and little ones see these guards just about every day. Never taking their service for granted, we give them a great big “Thank You!”. The planning needed for parties is so much an extra and was very much noted and appreciated (greasing watermelons, bringing in a TV, holding a raffle.) The guards who summered with us have become so……worldly. We can say that because Claire Cassens is a Freshman at the University of Hawaii. It’s not true she packed only bikinis. And Daryush is back from Turkey and Sweden and just glad to be starting his last year at HB Woodlawn High. He sweated over grill duty while Dave was away. June graduate of HB, Katherine Lukmire, is off to far away Carleton College, a highly regarded private Liberal Arts school in Northfield, Minnesota. Quiet guy Drew Dean is studying History and Languages at Temple University in Philadelphia where he is a Sophomore. It was good to see Maureen McMorrow filling in and working several parties. We hope to see this great crew back at the pool next summer.

    And always, thanks to the Board for their continued interest in and support of the pool program. Special thanks to: Cliff Beasley for again doing the sommelier thing at which he is so good. He challenges us to find the most obscure wines and beers. To B.J. Chittum for volunteering on the Committee, for working Float Night, for some good ideas for next year, and just adding pizzazz. Thanks, and high fives, to Meadows sky-man, Victor Slabinski for the use of his telescope. (see below). And a “Hooray for the daytime Moms.” They suggested, and got, additional eating tables, which now benefit all of us.

    Short showcase of pool parties: Quick. How many times did we say “we need the rain”? Too late. The answer is “Never!” (Sorry, B&G.) Next year, we are letting that nun who picks NFL winners on TV choose the dates for the party schedule. However, we did catch some breaks.

    Those who were there remember the fun and camaraderie. The July 27 BBQ became Hot Dog/Planet/White Elephant Night. Victor Slabinski set up his self-made telescope, and everyone was invited to step up to view Mars. The raffling of ‘old stuff’ was another brainstorm of Dave’s—he got in some good ad-libs…. The August Beer Tasting was combined with pizza night. Because of the calorie overload, we won’t be doing any more combinations! Names of beers are getting weirder and weirder. ……..Movie Night was moved once and it seemed as though it would be moved again. Although there was a heat lightening laser show, the movie was on. Dave donated his TV when the projector thing didn’t work out.

    Everyone pulled up close for the movie “Caddyshack”. …… Pool Closing Day ended with the traditional cook out and water slide. The side dish contributions included great favorites plus a special Pork Tenderloin and Fresh Spinach Salad (thanks, Carl). With oldies playing, there was some dancing and some hoola-hooping. When the last of Cliff’s champagne was poured, there were hugs and “byes”, and the pool was closed.

    Next season we hope for Meadows’ FINS swim team participation. Also, we plan to rethink the fondue theme party suggestion (dig out the old fondue pot out of your attic). One idea suggested late in our season was an “international dessert” night. Who wouldn’t like to see a Meadows Pool dessert cart!

    So ends a terrific pool season. With Mars still in our eyes we say, take care till we see you next year.

    God bless our community; God bless America.


    Oct. 16: Meadows Council of Co-Owners Annual Meeting, FCC at 6:30 p.m.. Refreshments provided!

    Nov. 7: Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting at Linnea Barry’s, 3460 A-2 S. Stafford, 7:30 p.m.

    Nov. 20: Meadows Board Meeting, FCC, 7:30 p.m.

    *FCC-Fairlington Community Center on S. Stafford St. at the traffic circle



    STREET LIGHTS: If you would like to report a malfunctioning street light, call Arlington County’s recorded telephone line at 703-228-6511. Be sure to have the address where the light is located as well as the pole number when you call.

    ABANDONED AUTOS: You can leave a message about a suspected abandoned car and a member of the County’s Parking Unit will mark it and tow it, if necessary. When you call, provide as much detail as possible (license number, make, model, street location, etc.). The number is 703-228-4144.

    PARKING WHILE OUT OF TOWN: It was erroneously reported previously that if you were going to be out of town, you could make arrangements with CMC for long-term parking for your second vehicle. This is ONLY the case for certain residents who do NOT have a parking space at all and only for one vehicle! Appendix D-1 describing this special case is included below. Sorry, editor’s mistake!

    Appendix D-1
    Fairlington Meadows Parking Regulation
    Approved: August 15, 2000

    1. In conjunction with Appendix D “Fairlington Meadows Parking Regulation,” approved by the Board of Directors August 2,1996. The purpose of the additional regulation is to provide the following addresses, 3305, 3307, 3309, 3311, 3313, 3315, 3317, 3319, 3321, 3323, 3325 and 3327 on South Stafford Street an opportunity to park one of their vehicles in a court parking space longer than 72 hours under the following conditions. 

    2. Residents of addresses described above will be allowed to park one vehicle in a “Visitor” space in either Court 2 or Court 3 due to an extended vacation or family emergency.


    The need for such parking privileges must be occasioned by an extended vacation, family emergency or similar extenuating circumstances.

    The resident must notify the Property Manager prior to parking the vehicle and notify the Property Manager after the vehicle is removed.

    Said vehicle may be parked in‘Visitor’’ space for a period of 10-30 days and not to exceed 30 days. Should the owner know that the length of time required to park in a visitor’s space will be longer than 30 days, the owner is required to request approval from the Board of Directors for the extension of time. Should the owner fail to make the request and exceed the prescribed time, they shall be subject to towing as indicated in Appendix D.

    There is no guarantee that there will be a “visitor” parking space available when an owner has a parking need as described above.


    TOWING IN MEADOWS: FYI-If you, a guest, or a workman parks in someone’s assigned parking space, you or they may be subject to a $95 towing charge (and potential storage charges), not to mention considerable inconvenience.
    If you park your car in a visitor’s space for more than 72 hours, you will also be subject to towing!!


    Diane and Tom Forrest are the proud parents of Juliette Grace, born July 23rd and weighing in at 7 lb. 2 oz. Congratulations to Diane and Tom!

    F O O D B Y T E S

    Contributed by
    Janet Filer and Carrie Quinn

    Get your guests ready for the big football game with these hearty appetizers. All are economical and easy to prepare for any occasion!

    Bourbon Frankfurters

    1 1/2 cup ketchup
    3/4 cup bourbon
    1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
    1 teaspoon minced onion
    1/2 teaspoon dried whole oregano
    1/2 teaspoon dired whole rosemary
    2 (1 lb.) packages frankfurters, cut into 1” pieces.
    Combine all except frankfurters in a dutch oven, mix well. Stir in frankfurters. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes. Serve with wooden picks. Yield: 16 appetizer servings.

    Little Pizza Turnovers

    1 cup ricotta cheese
    1/2 cup (2 ozs.) shredded mozzarella
    1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
    1 ten oz. package refrigerated flaky biscuits
    20 thin pepperoni slicesCombine cheeses, mix well and set aside. Separate biscuits into two layers. Shape each biscuit layer into a 4” x 2” oval. Place 1 slice pepperoni and about 1 tablespoon cheese mix on oval. Moisten edges with water. Fold dough in half and press edges together using a fork to seal. Bake on a lightly greased baking sheet 18-20 minutes
    (or until golden) in 350 degree oven. Yield: 20.

    Stuffed Mushrooms

    1 package of fresh white mushrooms
    1 package of ham sausage
    1 8 oz. package of cream cheeseBrown sausage and drain grease. Mix in cream cheese. Stuff in cleaned and cored mushroom caps. (add stems to further mixture if you like).

    Bake for 10 minutes at 300 degrees. Yield: 10-15 caps depending on package size. Note: any remaining mixture is good when heated and spread over wheat crackers!


    Chili Dip

    16 oz. cream cheese
    1 can Hormel chili (no beans)
    1/3 lb. grated cheddar
    1/3 lb. grated monterey jack cheeseSpread the cream cheese on the bottom of a small baking dish. Add chili on top, covering cream cheese completely. Mix and add remaining cheese.

    Bake for 20 minutes or until cheese bubbles.
    Serve with tortilla chips. Yield: 3-5 servings.

    Artichoke Dip

    1 can artichoke hearts (slice into quarters)
    1 small package of shredded parmesan cheeese
    1 1/2 tablespoons mayonnaise
    1 or 2 cloves of garlic, chopped finely
    paprikaMix artichokes, portion of parmesan, mayo, and garlic and spread into small baking dish. Sprinkle with remaining parmesan and top with sprinkling of paprika.

    Bake at 350 degrees until cheese fully melted and mixture is bubbling and slightly browned. Serve with wheat crackers. Yield: 4 servings.

    Note: This recipe can be easily doubled for more servings and shrimp or crabmeat added for extra flavor!